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Beyond console.log() – 3 Console methods you can use for better Javascript debugging

Video – Using XHR breakpoints to intercept HTTP calls in Chrome Devtools

Dynamically import multiple Javascript modules – React and ReactDom

You can dynamically import Javascript modules

Javascript – using default values for function parameters and when destructuring

Window.open() and target=”_blank” have a security vulnerability

Javascript proxies – restricting access to object properties and some other practical examples

What are Javascript proxies?

The double negation !! in Javascript

Arrow functions don’t have access to the arguments object as regular functions

Other 4 Small Javascript things I did not know until today

Using the Promise all(), race(), allSettled() and any() in Javascript

JS Interview question: removing duplicates from an array

The Page Visibility API in Javascript

Detecting in Javascript the status of a media query with the MediaQueryListEvent