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Bite-sized tips and screencasts about Javascript, CSS, and React

Links, ideas, news roundup #6

Exploring the Link component in NextJs: objects as hrefs, disabling prefetching and page scroll, opening in new tab

How to create a NextJs app from an empty folder

What is NextJs prefetching and why should I care

The :where() pseudo class in CSS

Native color selection in HTML with the input type=color

Identifying the button which submitted a form in javascript

Differences between requestSubmit() and submit() in HTML forms

Selecting the full text with just one click in CSS

Is there a difference between DOM Node and Element?

Using HTML buttons and inputs with the form, form-method and form-action attributes

When to use the img, figure or picture html tags

The CSS grid minmax() function explained

Screencast – building a fully responsive layout in 4 minutes by using the CSS grid

Links, ideas, news roundup #5

šŸ“– 50 Javascript, React and NextJs Projects

Learn by doing with this FREE ebook! Not sure what to build? Dive in with 50 projects with project briefs and wireframes! Choose from 8 project categories and get started right away.
