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Making an element fullscreen with Javascript

CSS how to change the color of the line in underlined text

Know your size – CSS Units Explained: Part 2 REMs and EMs

Using the CSS @media prefers queries

What is the :is() CSS pseudo-class and how it is helpful

Using the delete keyword in Javascript to remove object keys

The best two things I use to improve my productivity and work happiness

Know your size – CSS Units Explained: Part 1 pixels, percentages and viewpoints units

Function.lenght will tell you the number of the required arguments for a Javascript function

Building a layout with CSS Grid video series: Part 4 ā€“ Centering items in CSS grid and using flexbox

Building a layout with CSS Grid video series: Part 3 ā€“ Setting the rows and columns sizes in a CSS grid

What does the HTML image decoding async attribute do and how can it help us to improve performance

Using the HTML img lazy attribute and link preload image to improve page performance

Using multiple values in a JS switch case

How display inline-grid works in CSS and how is different from display grid