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Create shared layouts (multiple root layouts) in NextJs 13

In this article, we will see how to use the NextJs route groups to set a shared layout for multiple pages in the app folder.

Introducing the route groups in NextJs 13

Let's say we have the following files in the app folder:

    page.js -> maps to: /
        page.js -> maps to: /red
        page.js -> maps to: /blue
        page.js -> maps to: /green

For the /red and /blue routes we want to set a shared layout, but we don't want to have this layout on the /green route.

In order to do this we will need to use the route groups from NextJs.

A route group is created by wrapping a folder’s name in parenthesis:


By adding a route group we are breaking out of the NextJs route system. The folders written in round brackets are not included in the application routes.

So, if we will add put the red and blue folders in a folder named (sharedLayout), we will still have the same routes as before:

    page.js -> maps to: /
            page.js -> maps to: /red
            page.js -> maps to: /blue
        page.js -> maps to: /green

We can use the route groups to better organize our code.

Adding shared layouts for multiple pages

But, one cool thing is that we can also use route groups to share layouts between multiple pages with the same root folder. So, if we will add a layout.js file in the (sharedLayout) folder:

        page.js -> maps to: /green

Then the /red and /blue pages will have the same shared layout file:


You can check out a small app example with NextJs shared layouts here. Below you have the screenshots of the pages that share the same layout file: /red and /blue:
webpage with NextJs layout red border

webpage with NextJs layout blue border

And speaking of layouts I've made this example for how to make a responsive sidebar layout in NextJs

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πŸ“– 50 Javascript, React and NextJs Projects

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